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About TheUnforgiving

  • Birthday 12/17/1994

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  1. I'll give it to you bluntly, gentlemen: the DPRK is kicking our asses. With their capture of Seosan, North Korean forces have pushed down to the 37th Parallel, and now control approximately 75% of the peninsula. And they're only getting stronger Four days into this campaign, and they exceed our capacity in almost all areas. We have less than 67% of their ground power, less than 50% of their air power, and less than 20% of their air defenses. The only thing we best them at is keeping ourselves supplied, and even then the difference is only an infinitesimal margin. And even now, they are conducting airstrikes on Kunsan, and have already succeeded in destroying four of the five runways. Ground forces are consolidating south of the 37th Parallel, but they face near-constant attack from the several DPRK-controlled air bases and airstrips only a stone's-throw north. Several battalions have already been forced to surrender. We need to do something to hamstring the attacks on our ground forces and buy them enough breathing room to get their feet back under them and get off the defensive.
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