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Posts posted by TangFiend

  1. I will put myself down as a reference for Schill and speak for him. He's a really good guy, a humble team player and an asset to the VGPR community. He would make a fair and just admin. He is mature (actually he's an old man), he is level headed and doesn't get upset easy.

    I joined these forums this morning actually to start looking into trying to get more round the clock administration on the PR coop server. In the past week or so there has been a LOT of griefing and large gaps with no admins around to remedy the situation. The single largest offense seems to be teamswitching lately seconded by teamkilling in the main and on the carrier for assets. AaronGooding, Nowhereman, Melon, lupago, RobotFungus et al can't always be around. It would be helpful to have a few people from the current core of regular players be able to help admin.

    Coop has always been a lot more relaxed atmosphere and even when we are all being serious it is some level of goofy. Speaking for a few people I see here nightly we have a lot of fun on the server but something has got to be done about the griefing. My intention was originally to look into becoming and admin myself since I used to be a server moderator on =]H[= years before the clan degraded into shit and corruption. Since Schill beat me to the punch by a couple days with asking about it I will yield to him. He certainly plays as much as I do.

    Again ssgshilling has my vote, he's a good man.
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