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Posts posted by Echo

  1. Good to know that you can change the paint on vehicles :) I don't think that the game is designed to simulate a SWAT scenario.

    So I guess it would be fun to play a mission where you have to assault a building but not that you have to neutralize a complete drugs cartel that took over Stratis.

    Personally I am more interested in more vehicles and weapons. A lot of countries use weapons like M4, M16 and many more! Another thing that would be nice is that the weapons are somewhat indexed to what role you wish to fulfill within a group (Submarine gun, Automatic Rifles, Assault rifles etc.)
  2. Reaper LAN_WROTE ...

    I had 2 slight problems yesterday evening - not sure if they are actually problems with the set up or just my own issues, lol

    1) When the enemy attack our base I cannot shoot back at them or risk being banned (server message) plus the rounds don't land for anti-teamkilling etc.

    2) With only 2 or 3 guys on the server (Dev Build etc) having only pilots fly can limit gameplay.

    Thanx for reading and sorry to be a pain in the rear end....just trying to see the VG server back to its best :)


    1) Ah yes, I forgot to change that you are able to shoot at base since the AI likes it to invade our airfield once in a while.
    I will change that as soon as I log in tonight :)

    2) About only pilots being able to fly... It's not a role like on other missions. The only thing you have to do is.. get a pilot overal from the base and a pilot helmet and you're set :)
  3. Reaper LAN_WROTE ...

    SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    It's amazing how quickly it happens when I break it myself :)

    Haha...very true :)

    Although......I still cannot Teleport from Base to any MHQ and no REVIVE :(

    I was so free to made some adjustments to the server settings yesterday so it should be good again :)

    SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Defaults have been adjusted please let me know if there are more that should be changed.

    I've also added some features for the admins to make their jobs a bit easier.

    - dedicated admin slot under Civilians - will auto-kick after 20 secs unless you login
    - admins can still login under any slot.. this just gives you a slot when the server is full

    - once logged in admins will have access to Ghost Mode and Teleport Mode using scroll menu
    - note that Ghost mode sets you as a captive to the enemy (ie: they won't fire at you), it does not make you invulnerable to bullets or other damage!

    Mission is up and running now.

    Also some server admins are reporting stuttering/hiccups during missions. If you notice this please post (saw yours already Reaper)

    The server seems to have some hiccups when flying or driving mostly, I am not sure if this has something to do with rendering or sudden activities that gets triggered which may cause these.

    SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Latest dev update is client only (phew)

    *** Arma 3 server is now available to be managed through TCAdmin. ***

    GameService 35 port 2402
    All TCA users should have access to this game service and can restart it if required.

    For other admins the in-game password is same as before

    For now it's running Xeno's Domination v2.99 although I'll need to make some changes to that mission to make it =VG= friendly.
    -added VAS ammo system
    -added AI suppression scripts

    Currently there is a limitation where we can only one run instance of the dedicated server.. hopefully this gets fixed soon.

    Also still no RCON or other remote management tools so kicks/bans will have to be done in-game. I am currently working on an admin slot system for the missions we run on the server which will allow admins to connect even if the server is full.

    How do I access this?
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