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Posts posted by WillBant

  1. Calv =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    WillBant LAN_WROTE ...

    Then throw the infantry out and tell them to advance while the MRAPs threw fire at anything they could see?. This lead to a least two incredibly close blue on blues. One of which lead to my team running back past Demon 2 (calv and starchy) screaming in terror like the women we are as mk19 was poured into the position I had been told to clear five meters away.

    That came second place as my highlight of the evening :D

    shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttt uuppppppppppppppppppp

    I didn?t know the CMD loudout was something I was meant to look at, I assumed it was for COs, JTACs etc calling it squadleader is a good idea and I'd back it myself. It doesn't matter to much though, I got a 117 either way in the end. And on the 343, I wasn?t aware I had the choice to move people around my channels. Call it new guy syndrome I guess!

    On the planning and the coms overall, I?ve said my piece it?s down to you guys to work out where you?d like to run with it.
    Calv =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Markers - I don't like the idea of using markers during a mission as it seems a little bit like meta-gaming, but more of a clearer plan at the start would've made them unneccessary anyway.

    I hate to sound like a dick on this point but when rolling with third person and respawns player placed markers are not really meta gaming. They help direct fire, provide clear communication and prevent blue on blue. Like I said, not talking about the ACE group markers here, they are meta gamey, just player placed markers. If you were to keep them on command channel you can make sure that they don?t end up meta gamey as all they?d be then is a command aid and commanders need all the info they can get. I really feel they?d of helped. That Mk19 moment is a good example, simply place a marker for dismount and then echo and fox?s first waypoints. This would of cleaned the whole attack up with three markers.
    No need to cover the map in stuff =)
  2. Hey gang!

    Jager pointed me in this thread direction and below is my take on the whole Saturday night dance we enjoyed :D

    Echo -1
    Sean (tigre)

    Echo -2
    -Another person who will tell me off for forgetting

    Anderson was folded into Foxtrot from our lot as well.

    I?ve not really got anything to add for an AAR of what happened without simply repeating the messages you guys have thus far left.

    From Echo?s point of view the mission went well no KIAs on our part but not for insurgent?s lack of trying with one particular close encounter seeing myself and my rescuer introduced to the business end of a PKM from about three feet. Also another one seeing me covering Sean carrying Tegyr (the medic) back over one hundred meters of fire sweep ground.

    Couple of points for improvement from my eyes, please bear in mind that these points are offered without any idea of how you guys normally operate. I also appreciate from the chatter prior to the start that this was perhaps the most people you have ever dealt so please don?t take any of this a being more than suggestions for ease of future MSO sessions.

    1.The use of markers. Much of the time I was completely unsure of the situation because no markers were placed on the map to denote friendly forces or identified enemy firing points. This limited my situational awareness to what I could work out from the radio and what I could see which was very difficult while running three radios. I am not advocating ACE map markers as they are the hiding place of those who can?t read maps in my eyes but simple ones such as a marker pointing out where Demon is going, where are fox holding etc would have helped.

    2. A clearer indication of what was planned would have helped. By this I mean that my teams and I were constantly thrown in at the sharp end for no reason. The most important and repeated example of this was the ?Drive until shot at. Then throw the infantry out and tell them to advance while the MRAPs threw fire at anything they could see?. This lead to a least two incredibly close blue on blues. One of which lead to my team running back past Demon 2 (calv and starchy) screaming in terror like the women we are as mk19 was poured into the position I had been told to clear five meters away. Another that saw .50cal stopping our bound mid move and in the open (under enemy fire) as fire was sent across our line about 2meters in front of us, on both occasions we took hits and lost a man to unconsciousness in the open.

    This also had a knock on effect at the start when we came underfire and Demon became static due to no statement of intent from the CO. We took casualties and time to get going again when ideally we should of punched through rather than haphazardly engage ghosts.

    A simply dismount point in or around cover which would allow infantry a moment to organize before barreling in would have made all the difference here.

    Minor issues

    Needed coms with my MRAP, whether attached to me or simply on my net. I needed to be able to steer fire through something other than shouting at Starchy and calv or trying to be heard over the coms to Demon lead (actual).

    Cache could have been dealt with viva .50cal on the box or m19. Don?t be afraid of gaming the system if there is a risk of the mission losing steam. The cache is the most minor of points however as these things happen, don?t let yourselves get hung up on it. One supply issue is a non-issue and will undoubtedly happen again as mistakes always do in big arma games.

    Make sure to receive a clear confirmation from those you seeking to reach. I missed a call at one point due to the amount I had going on and only found out I had dropped the ball when an unfamiliar voice yelled ?Echo where the hell are you?!? into the radio while I was trying to get the wounded into cover.

    Would recommend that Fox and Echo (infantry) elements operate both fireteams on a single 343 net in future (e.g. Fox is on 343 5 and Echo on 6), sorting movements was made longwinded due to need to communicate with Echo2 lead (HeXeY) even though both fireteams where acting as one unit.

    Strong points

    Demon fire swept the villages with fire comprehensively and clear bounds where being taken on both sides of target villages in order to cut the road leading out of the village and to secure the flanks.

    When attempting to reach other elements 99% of time response was prompt and clear. Was also given clear clarification when I requested it.

    Props to Poff for the last village that banter cleared. He was nearby when I started bounding echo into the town and he passed our movement around the chain quickly and clearly. Allowed me to concentrate on leading my infantry and helped a great deal.

    Once dealt with the ?satchel issue? never came up again and demolitions were promptly placed at all further caches with minimum fuss.

    Never had to worry about the buildings on my flank Fox, cleared their areas very well and held down their flanks very much to their credit.

    After the satchel town mission flowed well and we moved from objective to objective quickly and easily.

    Driver of rear MRAP (I don?t know your name sorry!) was helpful + understanding and helped pick up a squadmember (Rousel) having trouble with ACE weight system bug (blacking out while weighing only 7kgs). Yah you ran him over but I got a cheap laugh at Rousel's expense so I don't give a hoot.

    Bag kit system was a great little idea (FTL needs a 117, because it wipes your kit I lost mine because I had already taken the 117 from the crate).

    A general thank you for everyone on the command net putting up with my radio troubles early session.

    To finish
    Had a very good night, few issues but they did not detract from the overall experience which was a lot of fun.
    Very nice bunch of guys all round with special shout outs to our greeter Gaz, our valiant leader Poff and my driver gunner double dream team of Calv and Starchy in Demon 2. Really enjoyed ourselves and the talk is very much pointed at if you?d have us we would like to pop over again next month please!

    Also need to offer up a couple of quick apologies, one for all of us disconnecting so totally. Saturdays aren?t great nights for us as many have Sunday commitments or work all day Saturday so we had to call it a night early.
    Also on my part apologies for a couple of gripers you may have heard. We don?t normally play stuff like MSO so the disjointed feel of an open ended mission was jarring for some but they got into the swing of it =)

    Thanks again fellas. Was a pleasure.

    Also reckon this is worth a share. From Sean?s Fraps. Someone (think it was Random from Lambs) got too close to the cache
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