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Everything posted by Masonz2

  1. That is incorrect. I did not join your teamspeak channel today. I had it bookmarked, I used to use it a lot since before the ban. edit: I asked if you were an admin, as a polite gesture, and to just make sure. I knew you were an admin, I just didn't want to sound pushy. edit 2: Unless if you are asking, why did I connect today? If that's the question, I actually was trying to join other insurgency servers today, but there were reasons why I didn't play on them: I couldn't join them because of a file necessary, or because there weren't enough people. I saw the veterans server near the top of this list and it was populated to about 2/3. Then I remembered that I was banned, so that is why I asked today. Out of curiosity.
  2. I didn't even know bans could be appealed for Arma until today. I was able to ask an admin on teamspeak and I was brought here.
  3. I understand where you are coming from SemlerPDX. It's tough to decide off of only someone's word. I appreciate the chance to have this even appealed, I really do. But the only way that I can show you my honesty is through action. If you guys give me the chance to let me play on your server again, I will show you that I was not lying. I will play with integrity, as I always have.
  4. The ban was about 2 months ago. Your mad libs definitely works and I won't deny that. But I'm not going to lie, it's a little unfair, and a bit of a stretch to relate this to giving him a handgun. Letting your roommate play a video game seems WAY more harmless than letting your roommate play with a gun. In the situation, it seemed only generous to let him try the game out. Remember this, I was watching him play for a little bit, and he seemed like a fair and disciplined player. But I agree with you that I gave him my trust. I witnessed him being a strong scholar all semester and being a gentleman, and he earned my trust. So I guess giving him my trust, I was at fault. But to ban someone for trusting another man, and that trusted man making the bad decision to "pull the trigger," if I may, seems harsh. But I have to leave that decision to you guys. I only hope for the best, and I stick with my innocence.
  5. Reason I was banned: I recently moved into a college dorm and am now living with a roommate. One night, he saw that I was playing Arma 2, and he thought it was cool and asked if he could try it out. Well I was on the VETERANS-GAMING COOP ArmA2 OA Insurgency Server, but I thought nothing of it, and I gave him a few tips on how to play. He said that he was fine playing alone, and that he didn't need help. So I left the room leaving a set of rules so that he would play like any other disciplined player. I came back around one hour to two hours later, and he told me that he was banned for griefing. I guess he thought it would be funny break my set of rules, and to blow things up and kill his teammates. This made me quite mad because I always played on that server before I went to college. Personal Statement: I am an honest player, I have never been the one to grief on any server, or even in any game. I usually play with my team, as a team player and I respect people when they are playing. You could make an argument that my roommate was my responsibility, but I disagree. I gave him careful instructions to NOT grief, yet he did so anyway. I believe that my responsibility was to give a set of rules to him, and his responsibility was to follow those rules. He broke those rules, that was his decision. So ultimately it's my roommates fault for my ban, not mine. Server: VETERANS-GAMING COOP ArmA2 OA Insurgency Server Banned username: Zach (Could be Masonz2 as well)
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