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About Mastiff

  • Birthday 10/27/1966

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  1. tried to play over that =HOG= bunch of ass holes over there. and the admin thinks he funny making me TK people by shuffling me from team to team. "*PR* Millitaryman" kept changing me from team to team and I had no idea I was TK-ing any one because I wasn't getting the messages because of the flip flopping he kept doing to me. and I guess it take like 10 m in before the tags of your team mates appear. I hate abusive admins! period they need to be fired!
  2. Mastiff


    I made a BMS Falcon 4 group in the steam friends look it up and join. (BMSF2)
  3. Working, you know my hours are at night 1st watch. I hope to get mfcd ported to my 7" USB lilliputs soon but for some reason it won't. And I'm having black screen problems when looking At other pages I.e. T&E and weapons load outs.
  4. ok I got it to work I down loaded Falcon4 from http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/3633902 just need an ISO program. and then burn to a DVD and use that to install BMS http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/content.php
  5. thats right multirole the user's has spooken.
  6. it wont let me open the doors, It says turn the power on lol. this is Single player mode by the way not coop. I'm playing.
  7. umm I cant find the power box and tried for 2 hours any help?
  8. sounds like network failure try setting up your connection again or get on TS when RAM or Blud is on and ask if they can help. I would but I'm waiting for my ATI HD 6870 to get here so I can play ff5.55 with them.
  9. heres my setings hope ot helps some of you guys.
  10. Mastiff

    Arrma Mods

    never mind found the problem it was the CBA_A2 mod didnt need it, just the CBA_AO mod is what I needed, and I tweeked it and now getting 60fps.. whooo hooo
  11. Mastiff

    Arrma Mods

    Hi guys I'm having issues with the CDA addons its show its in but I get error of this and that missing. inst there a simple tool for updating like they had for six updater?
  12. check the pricewatch.com and look for the GTX 460's they are good and prices have dropped on them.
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