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About kingwael

  • Birthday 03/03/1989

kingwael's Achievements


Private (1/18)



  1. thanks guys you are the best alll the links were helpfull but i hope i understand all of this :) thanks again guys
  2. hi i just finished reading the tutorial sample mao editor and i made all the steps inorder to create my own terrian but still it didnt work at the end so i was hoping to find anyone here that knows anything about creating a map so he can teach me or something like that :)
  3. just some shots i took today while i was playing
  4. man this game is very strange every time i play and before i drop my bombs the whole power goes off i mean from the entire block i never finesh a mission , im telling you there is something strange going on :)
  5. hi guys i just installed this and it is great however i dont have any sounds like from the ATC and my pilot and the RWR even when i test it in the setting menu it diesnt do anything. and one more thing i saw someone said something about data cartridge so i was wondering what is that . and how can i join online with you guys . thanks in advance
  6. retail, why is there a diffrence between the two
  7. hi , i just got arma 2 and i want to combine it with my installed arma 2 operation arrowhead but i dont know how . should i uninstall operation arrowhead first and then install arma 2 but then what or can i install arma 2 with the exsisting operation arrowhead but still how can i combine . i found some threads in he official page but they are very confussing and i asked they said that inorder to play on the servers here you must have combined operations so plesae can someone help me :) thanks in advance
  8. hi i just bought ARMA II: OA and i need to know should i buy any od the mods like private millitary inorder to play on your server :)
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