Hello, currently there is a disruptive player on the Insurgency server called "Tomy". He has been on here for at least half an hour teamkilling other players, currently he's practically emptied the server. He has been asked multiple times to leave and is now aggravating other players in the chat. He has sworn many times. If he could be removed from the server I feel we would all be grateful. EDIT: Just read the sticky, will fill out details below: 1. Which Arma server did this violation occur on. The Insurgency Server 2. Players name. Tomy 3. Players BattleEye GUID. (You can get this by typing #BECLIENT PLAYERS in the in-game chat window) c9bf94a1ee2e12b3c3491af81256da54 4. What happened? He teamkilled on several occasions, wiping out the entire team at times. 5. Witnesses. Were any other players online that can verify what happened? At the time of writing, the players online were: Tomy Doom Bunny DestroyeR Pricetx LetoAtreides Coolhand I have the GUID of these players if needed in a screenshot. Note that it was just Tomy that was the offending player. Pricetx.