1. Banned Username: MacintoshMach
2. What Server(s): Veteran gaming coop server
3. When did this happen?: like 1-2 weeks ago
4. Reason you were banned: Teamkill in base
5. Describe the events leading up to your ban ( how did this occur and why? ): So we were on the harrier me and my friend sir flankerton waiting for our CAS helicopter to spawn then we wanted to mess around so i wanted to put down my kit and because i spawned in with the rifleman kit i had a grenade which i switched to because of my scrollwheel movement then i tried to press t and drop kit but i accidentally threw the grenade i tried to flick to try to throw it in the water but i threw it behyind a helicopter and behind that helicopter was a admin and he banned me instantly.
6. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? ): I think i clarified everything above also i like playing casually so i guess thats a personal statement