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Posts posted by instant

  1. Used PlayWithSix to grab everything and had some flying around on the INsurgency server. SEemed really nice. Even managed to crash land safely in a village and take out some enemies before I got killed. Was weird hearing them yell in English outside the building I was held up in though.

    Now, if only there were some other players on the server whilst I played :-) Hope to be able to play it some more soon, been a while since I had time to do some ARMA and meanwhile the mods have improved (and the game a bit, as well... ).

    Hope we'll one day get 64-bit server+client, headless AI, loading/unloading mods without restarting and a ingame browser that doesn't use Gamespy (and thus suck).

    Cheers for making it easy to play with all the mods available on the repo :)

  2. Stable seems to be the way to go now that the 'issues' in alpha are fixed. Hopefully we'll avoid any new incidents until release -- so we can just play better and better scenarios meanwhile :)

    With the admin controls we used in alpha, will these no longer be useable and should switch to rcon or? haven't used rcon equivalent for years and years.

    Anyway, summers almost over :) Time to buy a new video card.
  3. Echo LAN_WROTE ...

    So I guess it would be fun to play a mission where you have to assault a building but not that you have to neutralize a complete drugs cartel that took over Stratis.

    Well, you did have that mission in ARMA2( or OA?) Where you were hunting War Criminals all over Chernarus which was kind-of a police action with military assets :)

  4. Looks like the Stratis Police Department, could be a nice scenario I suppose. What starts off as a 'typical' bank robbery goes sour and they'll eventually have to call in army assistance or something :) Would have to be a PVP mission for obvious reasons, unless the ARMA3 AI suddenly becomes self-aware and useful ;)

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