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Posts posted by winters

  1. I44 is a mod with complete atmosphere.
    You can integrate a FX module with german and english KI commands in the background. Using tanks as troop transporters looks very awesome.
    The integrated maps are smal, but very detailed. Very nice the new church on OMAHA 2 map in Colleville Sur Mer. You can use the bell tower for overwatch and sniping. A building i missed all the time.
  2. 1. Server:

    2. Players name
    How subject said, total chaos at base and at the end there where many players involved.
    - the player dasbrutismein was definitive multiple TeamKiller and destroyer at base

    3. Players BattleEye GUID
    "b173 bf6d 3abb 5479 945f 5442 b9d1 988b"

    4. I dont know how it all began. But when I heard something about TK all talk about dasbrutismein. When I went to base it was not possible to receive an clearly impression. After spawning I was every killed by shooting, blowing satchels or exploding vehicles.

    I only was able to see that someone placed all HMMWV in front of the medic tent an blow it with a satchel, take place in the Chinook and shoot with the door gun or crashed the Chinook in the Base. At last the MHQ was deployed and someone inside was shooting on everyone at Base. All that goes over 45 minutes.

    - player dasbrutismein was the hole at Base and was 3 times in front of me when he shoot me down. Also other player mention his name.
    - An other player who was involved more is CORNO. I saw him on the maingunner place in an HMMWV shooting the Base.
    When I told everyone to stop shooting at base to get a better overview he stopped a moment, turned to me, told me to go home and shoot me down. Possibly it was only the reason of all the chaos. So I only want to mention this and will observe him the next .

    5. Witnesses:
    - Patterson
    - Threepwood
    - Ktulu

    I'm not a friend of this and always try to talk with the people but in this case it was not possible. There was no chance for the other players to have a proper game. So I where grateful when you can ban dasbrutismein. He is no player who is needed on a COOP server.

    Thank You very much


  3. its i problem i have seen the last time more often. There are regular player destroing near the hloe city with mortar or rockets as singl player. Its not nice because other player have nothing to do, no cover in the fight and at last no fun.
    I allways want to red friendly with others, but the last time i bacame more times angry.

    Is it possible to set the server rules somewhere on the map to have more arguments to those players?
  4. I was on the server too and have seen what happend. At last he shoot with granades on a Blackhawk full of players and shoot those down ho get out (I was hit too). He said he could kill us all because he was killd by a satchel placed on a cache, although we told him to go away (I think a timer was set).
  5. minimum requirements:

    operating system: Windows 7 / Vista
    Prozessor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Athlon Phenom X4
    videocard: Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770 (Shader Model 3 and 896 MB RAM)
    RAM: 2 GB
    harddrive: 15 GB free space
    DVD: Dual Layer compatible
    DirectX: 10
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