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Task Force Radio


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Quick set up for Task Force Radio (TFR)


1. Download task_force_radio.exe. Available from the following:

2. Run task_force_radio.exe

3.On TS: Tools>Options>Addons and make sure TFR is listed and enabled.

4.Reload TS and ARMA 3

5.At this point all should be installed. Can confirm TFR is install by checking if Task Force Radio Status is present in right hand box of TS. Example below



6. Connect to the Arma server (Sausag3 Workshop for example). Once you're ingame TS will automatically move you to the TaskForceRadio channel from what ever channel you're currently in.

7. Check if others can hear you using 'local chat' via TS push-to-talk key

8. To use radio comms you first must get a radio ingame and press ctrl+p to bring up it's interface and set-up channel freq, etc. By default capslock is default key to speak on radio.



When leaving the Arma server TS should return you to the channel you were in before it moved you to TFR channel.

If you join the TFR channel without TFR running then you will be able to hear everyone else but they can't hear you.

All Radios have a limited range to which you can hear others. hovering mouse over radio in inventory will show the range of your radio 2/5/20/40 km are most common ranges.



Ctrl+P: Brings up radio

CAPSLOCK: Talk on radio

Ctrl+tab: Change distance you can be heard in 'local chat'. These being whisper/normal/yell.

Ctrl+CAPSLOCK: Talk on Long Range Radio if you have one.

Change TFR Binds use ingame Options > Configure > Controls > Configure Addons > Addons: TFAR

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