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Hello all, i did do a Build help and got help but i did not get the $ i needed, and the $ i got i got a GREAT deal on a GTS 250 and a 600w and thermaltake v0 black edition case, now i am trying to get the $ again and hopefully build an new computer this time,
I really like the 2600k but i know i will not have that much $ i was thinking the 2500/2400 there is perfect for how much $ I'm looking @ having,

core i5 2400 (3.1GHz with 3.4GHz Turbo 6MB L3) with everything i need but without a motherboard(2GB DDR3 1800, 640GB HD, w7 Pro 64bit) is $441
core i5 2500 (3.3GHz with 3.7GHz Turbo 6MB L3) with everything i need but without a motherboard(2GB DDR3 1800, 640GB HD, w7 Pro 64bit) is $462

core i7 2600 (3.4GHz with 3.8GHz Turbo 8MB L3) with everything i need but without a motherboard(2GB DDR3 1800, 640GB HD, w7 Pro 64bit) is $551
have 600w power supply, a case, and a video card(GTS 250).
2x1GB DDR3 1800 $47 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104185 (note $2 more then 4GB DDR3 1600 and 1600 was same price as 4GB DDR3 1333 )
WD 640GB $70 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136544
W7 Pro $140 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116758 (NOTE i can get this for $75)

what do you think? get the 2500 or if i have $90 more then get the 2600? ? ? (Note Probably be getting the 2600) OR should i wait till AMD info is out wich i can not find much info on, OR get a AMD am3 pc or a core i5 pc
Note: all the 1155 Sandy Bridge Motherboard i seen as both ATI and NVIDIA compatible, I really like the MSI P67A GD65 but they do not have the $ listed same thing with ASUS there 1155 Sandy Bridge Motherboard do not have prices the only company that has there prices out is Gigabyte
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