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Fallujah Campaign Info

=VG= Calv

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Firstly, the mod information for the missions is available here, post any issues or question about the mods there: http://veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?26452.0

Fallujah Situation
The city is a complete hotzone at present. US, UK, friendly local takistani militia and hostile takistani militia are active in the city, there have also been incidents of local civilians being used to carry out suicide attacks.
"Control" of the city has been divided between the US and the UK. The UK is patrolling everything north of the highway, the US everything south. The "friendly" takistani militia have taken control of a base in the NW of the city.

Our Unit
We will be operating as sections 1 and 2 of a British infantry platoon, each section consists of 8 men.

Section Leader (L85A2 UGL ACOG)
Section 2IC (Second in Command) (L85A2 UGL ACOG)
2x Riflemen (L85A2 ACOG)
2x Automatic Riflemen (L110A2 LMG ACOG)
2x Marksmen (L86A2 LSW SUSAT)

These 8 man fireteams will generally function as two fireteams working closely with each other. Typical tactic is for one team to act as a base of fire while the other flanks.

We will have access to Jackals for transport into and around the city, and to carry any extra equipment. These vehicles can place a lot of firepower onto a target but are vulnerable in the enclosed areas of the city so quick dismounts will be necessary at any sign of contacts and the use of vanguard and rearguard teams when moving in areas of increased risk.

General Information
For this set of missions I'm not aiming to have a continued threat that we're driving towards like on the Chernarus and Takistan missions but rather a set of independent missions that still follow on from each in terms of consistency (for example if one of you guys goes nuts and slaughters all the "friendly" takis at their NW base then they would remain dead in following missions). Going to try to add as much randomisation as possible to the missions, so that they feel more "real" as we play them. One of the main things to add to this will be the various hostile and friendly AI patrolling the city, meaning that as we move through it we will hear engagements taking place that we may choose to investigate or ignore. Some missions may have a starting objective and some may just be a basic patrol of a bunch of checkpoints with the possibility for random events to occur along the way, but regardless of what our objective is hopefully the possibility of a hostile group being around the next corner or a guy with an RPG on the next roof should add some interesting tension.
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