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Rainbow Six 3 Ravenshield 1.6

=VG= Speirs

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Raven Shield Console Commands

To enter a command first open the console by pressing the ~ key.
[] are used below to show where user input is required. Do not type the brackets.

Player Commands

fps - display Frames Per Second
God - invincible
Ghost - Walk through walls, and if you point up, fly!
writeprofile [filename] - saves the options settings into the save folder.
loadprofile [filename] - loads the options settings from the save folder
hideweapon - hides the first person weapons
showweapon - shows the first person weapon
playerlist - lists all players and their IDs in the console
maplist - lists all maps and their IDs in the console
getres - displays current resolution and color depth
open [map] - opens a map
disconnect - disconnects from the server
reconnect - reconnects to server
server - starts dedicated server
shot - takes a screenshot and saves in system directory
type [text] - types text to console
switchlevel [mapname] - switches to that map
setname [name] - change player name
slomo [#] - changes game speed (1 is normal)
behindview [1,0] - third person (command works but view not implemented)
toggle [Boolean] - switches value of Boolean value
suicide - Kills your character instantly
name ?New Name" - Changes your multiplayer name to ?New Name?
say - Sends ?Message? to everyone in the game
teamsay - Sends ?Message? to everyone in your team
quit - Exits the game
exit - Exits the game
votekick - you can vote by either using the F3 voting window
playerlist - Lists all players and their ID#s in the console
maplist - Lists all maps and their ID#s in the console
brightness [#] - Adjust brightness
contrast [#] - Adjust contrast
gamma [#] - Adjust Gamma
set [class] [property] value

Administrator Only Commands

To have access to these commands you must either be the server or enter the correct administrator password using the adminlogin command.

writeserver [filename] - saves the current server setup in the save folder
loadserver [filename] - loads the saved server setup in the save folder
adminlogin - Enter administrator password for access to admin only commands
newpassword - Changes the admin password
kick - Kicks the player off server
kickid - Kicks the player off server
restartmatch [explanation text] - Ends the current round, resets all statistics to zero, and displays message to all players.
restartround [explanation text] - Restarts the current game-round, resets all statistics to what they were at the beginning of the round, and displays message to all players.
map [mapname] - Ends the current round immediately, changes the server to the designated map
set [classname] [property] [value] - set property in classname to value
get [classname] [property] - returns value of property in classname

Those last two are very useful for adminning on the fly, since it can be used to set any value in engine.r6serverinfo class (some properties found in user.ini), such as max players, password protection, etc.


set input [key] [action] {|[action]...{|OnRelease [action]...}} binds key to action
keybinding [key] - lists binding assoc with key
[action] | [action] - links actions

some example actions
jump - interestingly enough, this command works, but actor does not jump

weird commands that shouldn't be here!
setjumpz [#] - sets jump height
amphibious - in UT this increases time that can be spent UNDER WATER!?
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