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  • Simple Vehicle Camo Net Scripts by =VG= SemlerPDX

    =VG= BLuDKLoT

    Simple Camo Netting 1.0
    A basic Vehicle Camo Netting Script for Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead

    by =VG= SemlerPDX

    You can deploy a large Camo Net over vehicles, hiding them from the enemy both visually and via game code. Can be loaded into a vehicle from a service point,
    or ammo crate - or you can give the ability to any individual vehicle by adding Deploy Net action to it's init line.

    Copy and Paste the folder "scripts" into your mission folder. If you already have a scripts folder, just copy and paste the
    "vehicleCamo" folder into it.

    Download Here: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?view.162

    All commands for this script are Mouse Wheel Action based. Change the color of any of the addAction Text with any HTML color
    code. Just replace the #DBA901 to anything you want.

    // Mission Integration //

    Copy and Paste the folder "scripts" into your mission folder.
    If you already have a scripts folder, just copy and paste the "vehicleCamo" folder into it.
    Follow instructions in ReadMe to add the action to a vehicle or object in your mission.

    For use on a Dedicated Server, change the lines:
    "if!(local player)exitWith{};" to "if!(isServer)exitWith{};" inside each script.
    PM SemlerPDX =VG= at VETERANS-GAMING.COM or contact me on Twitter @SemlerPDX
    Do not redistribute, mirror, copy, or adapt without authorization from creator.

    [Submitted by SemlerPDX =VG=]

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