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  • Arma 2 Scripting Graceful Teleport Example

    =VG= BLuDKLoT

    Inspired by Oniblood's (helpful) remark about the original teleport, which simply consisted of the following lines:

    player globalChat "Relocating to South Airbase...";
    player setPos [(getpos SEFlag select 0)+3,(getpos SEFlag select 1)+3,(getpos SEFlag select 2)+0];

    In response I wrote 10 scripts to handle "simulated" transportation between Camp Branca, the South Airfield, and the Kunar Regional Training Center. It is a very gracefull teleport where the teleport "flag" is a static AI Blackhawk MEV, it unlocks, spins up the rotar, forces you in, Fade to Black, teleports you to the Blackhawk at the destination, forces you in that one, Fade from Black Back In, forces you out, turns off all engines, locks back up, and welcomes you to new area personally.

    Author: =VG= SemlerPDX

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