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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


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  1. Hello, in a game by accident shoot an ally tank by accident was talking and after that I got out of the game, the message said that I had been kickeado by fire friend only so wait a few days to enter again but alos 2 o 3 of between told me that I was banned and I know I had an error but I love this game and I would like to play again on your server <3 my name of the game is Capitan_lopez
  2. Hola,en una partida por accidente dispare a un tanque aliado por accidente estaba hablando y despues de eso me sacó de la partida, el mensaje decía que me habían kickeado por fuego amigo solo asi que espere unos dias para entrar otra vez pero alos 2 o 3 de entre me decía que estaba baneado ya se que tube un error pero me encanta este juega y me gustaría volver a jugar en su server <3 mi nombre del juego es Capitan_lopez
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