I have been experiencing flags missing when opening a map in the game PR Coop since a long time ago, neutral flags are there but not others (bad for squad leaders). And then i have been told that i should clear shaders, so i did but it takes one or two rounds and the problem is back again.
I'm posting this because i finaly found how to solve this by editing Project Reality folder security in windows and give all acces rights to all users found for that folder and sub folders (i'm the only one using my PC).
I also edited the shorcut to run the game with administrave rights (Elevation).
I have tested in many maps and rounds before i do this and after i did, and the result is impressive: No missing flags anymore and i dont need to clear the shaders cash anymore.
Seems like the game just could not clear it's cashs every round start.
I would like to hear if i'm doing right or not.