AVCS4 BMS (v1.40+) QuickReference VoiceAttack Profile Command Sheet
Spoken Command Description
------ AVCS CORE Commands (included) ------
[View;Show;Display;Open] [me;] [the;a;uh;] [Profile;] [Quick;] Command Reference [Guide;Page;File;]
AVCS4 - Open this current AVCS4 Profile Command Reference
[initialize;reinitialize] [profile;variables;systems;system]
AVCS4 - Re-Initialize current AVCS4 Profile
[initialize;reinitialize] CORE [profile;variables;systems;system]
CORE - Re-Initialize CORE + current AVCS4 Profile
    QCC - Quick Command Creator
[Add;Set;Save;Create;Make] [a;the;] [new;] [Voice;] [Command;Commands] [Phrase;];[Edit;Delete;Remove] [a;the;] [Voice;] [Command;Commands] [Phrase;]
QCC - Create/Edit/Delete Quick Voice Commands
[Edit;Change;Open;Display;Show] [the;a;uh;] [Default;] [Keypress;Key Press] [Default;] [Timing;Timings] [Menu;Menus;]
QCC - Keypress Time Between & Time Held Down
[Enable;Allow;Initialize;Turn On;Turn Off;Disable;Terminate;Edit;Change] Audio [Feedback;Feed Back] Mode
QCC - Enable/Disable Audio Feedback Mode
[Enable;Allow;Initialize;Turn On;Turn Off;Disable;Terminate;Edit;Change] Push To Talk Mode
QCC - Enable/Disable Push-To-Talk Mode
[Edit;Change;Add;Set;Save;Create;Make] [a;the;] [new;] Push to Talk [Button;Buttons]
QCC - Set or Change PTT Button(s)
[Edit;Change;Add;Set;Save;Create;Make] [a;the;] [new;] Computer Name [Command;]
QCC - Set or Change 'Computer' Assistant Name for Wake PTT
count [all;] [dynamic;clipboard;clip board] [voice;] [command;commands] [phrases;variations;]
UTIL - Count Command Variations in Clipboard
    VAS - Voice Authorization System
[yes;yep;yup;yeah;S;U.S.;guess] [I do;please;it is;I am;I'm;]
[cancel;forget it;nevermind;no;nope;now] [I don't;I do not;it's not;it isn't;it is not;]
[Set;Save;Create;Add] [a;the;] [new;] [Voice;] Authorization [Code;Command;Password;Passphrase;Pass phrase;Phrase];[Edit;Delete;Remove] [a;the;] [Voice;] Authorization [Code;Command;Password;Passphrase;Pass phrase;Phrase]
VAS - Create/Edit/Delete Voice Authorization Codes
[Edit;Change;Open;Display;Show] [the;a;uh;] Voice Authorization System [Menu;Menus;Timeout;Time out]
VAS - Change Time to provide Authorization Code
    CORE - Profile Options & Functions
[open;display;show] [the;] [core;] [help menu;help list;support menu;support list;help and support] [menu;list;]
CORE - Open Help Menu
[open;display;show] [the;] [core option;core options;option menu;option list;options menu;options list;core config;config menu;config list;configuration menu;configuration list;configurations menu;configurations list;core configuration;core configurations] [menu;list;]
CORE - Open Main Options Menu
[open;display;show] [the;] advanced [core option;core options;option menu;option list;options menu;options list;core config;config menu;config list;configuration menu;configuration list;configurations menu;configurations list;core configuration;core configurations] [menu;list;]
CORE - Open Advanced Options Menu
[Set;Save;Create;Add;Change] [a;the;] [new;] Preferred Profile
CORE - Set Auto-Switch Profile for After Core Inits
[Display;Show] [a;uh;the;] [Voice Attack;VoiceAttack] [Program;Programs] Version
CORE - Display VoiceAttack Program Version
[Display;Show] [a;uh;the;] [Current;Active;] [Profile;Profiles] Version
CORE - Display Active Profile Version
[Display;Show] [a;uh;the;] [last;] Beta Test [Application;] [Key;Keys]
CORE - BETA TEST Display Last Beta Key
    SFS - Save File System
[View;Show;Display;Open;Edit] [me;] [the;a;uh;] Save [File;Files]
SFS - Display the Save File in Notepad
[View;Show;Display;Open] [me;] [the;a;uh;] Save [File;Files;] Folder
SFS - Display the Save File Folder
[Restore;Restored] [Backup;Backups;] Save [File;Files] [from;] [Backup;Backups;];[View;Show;Display;Open] [me;] [the;a;uh;] Backup Save [File;Files];[View;Show;Display;Open] [me;] [the;a;uh;] Save [File;Files] [from;] [Backup;Backups]
SFS - View Backups/Restore Save File From Backups
[View;Show;Display;Open] [me;] [the;a;uh;] Backup Save [File;Files;] Folder;[View;Show;Display;Open] [me;] [the;a;uh;] Save [File;Files;] [Backup;Backups] Folder
SFS - Display Backup Save Folder
[Open;Display;Show] [the;a;uh;] Save [File;Files] [System;Systems;] [Menu;Menus]
SFS - Increase/Decrease Maximum Backup Files
    AVCS - Debug & Bug Reporting System
[create;make;report;register;list;write] [a;an;] [bug;error;log] [report;log;to the log;to the report] [entry;file;]
DEBUG - AVCS Bug Reports - Create
[open;display;show] [the;] [bug;error] [report;log] [entries;file;]
DEBUG - AVCS Bug Reports - Display
[close;end;exit;terminate] [the;] [bug;error] [report;log] [entries;file;]
DEBUG - AVCS Bug Reports - Close
[clear;empty;blank;delete] [the;uh;a;] [bug;error;bugs;errors;debug] [report;log;reports;logs;logged] [entries;file;]
DEBUG - AVCS Bug Reports - Clear
[enable;activate;disable;deactivate;toggle] DEBUG [Systems;system;mode] [Level;] [one;two;three;four;1;2;3;4;]
------ AVCS4 BMS Radios Commands ------
[Add;Edit;Change] [the;uh;a;] [new;more;] [Callsign;Callsigns] [to the;] [List;Lists;]
CONFIG - Add new callsigns to list and commands
[Set;Reset;Change;Switch] [a;the;] [Default;] Keyboard Layout
CONFIG - Change Default Keyboard Layout
[Enable;Allow;Initialize;Turn On;Turn Off;Disable;Terminate] All Humans Mode
CONFIG - Enable/Disable All Humans Mode
    AVCS - Human Player Disregard System         (default - all radio calls assume computer pilots, set individual humans here)
[Set;Save;Create;Add] [a;uh;the;] Human [Pilots;Pilot;Players;Player;Callsigns;Callsign] [Callsigns;Callsign;]
AVCS Human Player Callsigns - Set a Human Pilot
[Set;Save;Create;Add] [a;uh;the] [Human;Humans] Only [Flight;Package]
AVCS Human Player Callsigns - Set an Entire Flight as Human
[Remove;Clear;Delete] [a;uh;the;] [Human;Humans] [Pilots;Pilot;Players;Player;Callsigns;Callsign] [Callsigns;Callsign;]
AVCS Human Player Callsigns - Remove a Human Pilot
[Remove;Clear;Delete] [a;an;uh;] Human [Only;] [Flight;Package] [Callsign;Callsigns]
AVCS Human Player Callsigns - Clear Entire Flight from Humans Only List
[Remove;Clear;Delete] [all;every] [the;] [Human;Humans] [Pilots;Pilot;Players;Player;Callsigns;Callsign] [Callsigns;Callsign;];[Remove;Clear;Delete] [the;] [Human;Humans] [Pilots;Pilot;Players;Player;Callsigns;Callsign] List
AVCS Human Player Callsigns - Clear All
    AVCS - Computer Player Disregard System         (when 'All Humans Mode' ON - all radio calls assume human pilots, set individual computer pilots here)
[Set;Save;Create;Add] [a;uh;the;] [Computer;Robot;Bot] [controlled;] [Pilots;Pilot;Players;Player;Callsigns;Callsign] [Callsigns;Callsign;]
AVCS Computer Player Callsigns - Set a Computer Pilot
[Set;Save;Create;Add] [a;uh;the;] [Computer;Robot;Bot] [controlled;] [Flight;Package]
AVCS Computer Player Callsigns - Set an Entire Flight as Computer
[Remove;Clear;Delete] [a;uh;the;] [Computer;Robot;Bot] [controlled;] [Pilots;Pilot;Players;Player;Callsigns;Callsign] [Callsigns;Callsign;]
AVCS Computer Player Callsigns - Remove Ai Pilot
[Remove;Clear;Delete] [a;uh;the;] [Computer;Robot;Bot] [controlled;] [Flight;Package]
AVCS Computer Player Callsigns - Clear Entire Computer Flight from List
[Remove;Clear;Delete] [all;every] [the;] [Computer;Robot;Bot] [controlled;] [Pilots;Pilot;Players;Player;Callsigns;Callsign] [Callsigns;Callsign;];[Remove;Clear;Delete] [the;] [Computer;Robot;Bot] [controlled;] [Pilots;Pilot;Players;Player;Callsigns;Callsign] List
AVCS Computer Player Callsigns - Clear All
    BMS - Radio Command Prefixes             (callsigns can be viewed or changed - say, 'Edit Callsigns List')
[2;two;too;to;Wingman];[{TXT:AVCS_CHOICES_Callsigns}] [1..9] 2
Prefix WINGMAN in Format = [Callsign] [1-9] 2
[3;three;tree;Element];[{TXT:AVCS_CHOICES_Callsigns}] [1..9] 3
Prefix ELEMENT in Format = [Callsign] [1-9] 3
Flight;[{TXT:AVCS_CHOICES_Callsigns}] [1..9;]
Prefix FLIGHT in Format = [Callsign] [1-9;]
    BMS - Radio Menu Command Examples     (not strict, try any natural phrasings - add new variants with QCC 'create new voice command' with the action to execute any existing command 'by name')
(((*Install EPU Ground Safety Pin - *Remove EPU Ground Safety Pin - *Install Chocks - *Remove Chocks - *Request Taxi For Departure - *Request Taxi To Ramp - *Request Hotpit Refuel - *Ground Say Again - *Recharge JFS)))
ATC 1 - Ground Page - Command Examples
(((*Ready For Departure - *Request Landing - *Request Formation Landing - *Report On Final - *Report Overhead Break - *Tower Declare Emergency - *Tower Abort - *Tower Say Again)))
ATC 2 - Tower Page - Command Examples
(((*Request Vectors For Visual Approach - *Request Vectors For Instrument Approach - *Request Overhead Approach - *Request Unrestricted Approach - *Approach Declare Emergency - *Approach Abort - *Traffic In Sight - *Approach Say Again)))
ATC 3 - Approach Page - Command Examples
(((*Report Airborne - *Airborne)))
ATC 4 - Departure Page - Command Examples
(((*Request QNH - *Request QFE - *Takeoff Runway - *Landing Runway - *Request Wind Check)))
ATC 5 - Common Page - Command Examples
(((*Inbound Mother - *Mother - *Report See You - *See You - *Report Platform - *Platform - *Call The Ball - *The Ball - *Carrier Report Overhead Break - *Carrier Abort - *Carrier Ready for Departure - *Carrier Report Airborne)))
ATC 6 - Carrier Page - Command Examples
(((*Report Ground Abort 1 - *Declare Ground Abort 2 - *Declare Ground Abort 3 - *Declare Ground Abort 4)))
ATC 7 - Contingencies Page - Command Examples
(((*Request Picture - *Declare - *Request Help - *Wilco - *Unable - *Check In - *Check Out - *Request Relief - *Request Rescue Chopper)))
AWACS 1 - AWACS Page - Command Examples
(((*Vector To Nearest Air Threat - *Vector To Target - *Vector To Package - *Vector To Tanker - *Vector To Nearest Tanker - *Vector To Divert Field - *Vector To Home Plate - *Vector To Carrier Group)))
AWACS 2 - Vector Page - Command Examples
(((*Request Air Refueling - *Back In Pre Contact Position - *Done Refueling - *Request Air Individual Refueling - *Request Air Element Refueling - *Tanker Say Again)))
Tanker 1 - Tanker Page - Command Examples
(((Attack My Target - Buddy Spike - Raygun - Weapons Free - Weapons Hold - Check Your Six - Clear My Six - Attack Targets - Go Shooter - Go Cover)))
Combat Management Page 1 - Command Examples
(((Rejoin - Split Wing - Glue Wing - Drop Stores - Datalink Ground Target)))
Combat Management Page 2 - Command Examples
(((Offensive Pursuit - Offensive Split - Beam Deploy - Grinder - Wide Azimuth - Short Azimuth - Sweep - Defensive)))
Combat Management Page 3 - Command Examples
(((Resume Mission - Return To Base - Snooze Radar - Activate Radar - Say Position - Say Damage Report - Say Status - Say Fuel State - Say Weapons State)))
Mission Management Page - Command Examples
(((Close Up - Switch Side - Break Right - Break Left Stack High - Stack Level - Stack Low - Go Deck - Flex - Take The Lead - Kickout)))
Formation Management Page 1 - Command Examples
(((Go Wedge - Go Trail - Go Ladder - Go Stack - Go Fluid - Go Spread - Go Arrowhead - Go Higher - Go Lower - Go High - Go Low - Go Box - Go Res Cell)))
Formation Management Page 2 - Command Examples
(((Go Vic - Go Line Abreast - Go Finger Four - Go Echelon Left - Go Echelon Right - Go Diamond)))
Formation Management Page 3 - Command Examples
(((Fence In - Fence Out - Music On - Music Off - Lights SOP - Turn Smoke On - Turn Smoke Off - Switch Flight Uniform - Switch Flight Victor - Set Bingo)))
Miscellaneous Page - Command Examples
(((Single Ship - Element - Echelon - Four Ship Three In - Four Ship Four In - Four Ship Three In The Slot - Four Ship Four In The Slot)))
Runway Lineup Page - Command Examples

 AVCS Profiles for VoiceAttack