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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Status Updates posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. (I can't remember if I already posted this, was sitting in the reply box when I was going to make a post - looks promising:)

    So, I was reading some forum on a totally different topic, one guy suggested this CompactGUI as a tool for the Windows 10 "Compact" function.  It seems this is no new feature, but the version in Win10 is much more powerful and more optimized.

    TLDNR; You can take a program, for example my ARK installation folder (>100GB) and compress the contents with little to no performance loss when running the application.  Doesn't turn it into a ZIP or RAR achive, either - we'd not notice the change as users.  It is a disk space saver, and it's very good at it.  According to the reports, my ARK could potentially turn into a ~50GB folder instead of twice that!!
    Check it out, I'm gonna:

  2. When I first got here to my Pop's house in Wisconsin back in July, they had DSL internet through AT&T (coming in though a tiny old school phone line) and were paying $46.99 a month for internet speeds equivalent to circa 2004 internets.  I have just upgraded them to Spectrum (Time Warner) high speed broadband internet via cable, with a top-in-class consumer modem (Arris) with dual band WiFi, 16 channels, and speeds of up to 250Mb/s Down and 20Mb/s Up (for a monthly cost of $47.99)

    .... yea.  ... yea.

    I feel bad for the parentals that they've been wasting money on terribly frustrating slow speeds for years, but glad I was able to get them up to 2018 USA standards for nearly no change in price.

    What a world!  Gonna pop onto the ARK Server (finally) and feed my dinos before the rest of them starve to death like the little ones did a week or few ago.  Don't want to start over with my breeding program, put a fair bit of time into that.

    Might even get onto the Falcon server for a multiplayer flight to show my Pops what it's like.  NASCAR next weekend at Road America, the "clowns" of the road course - will be fun to see those 2 ton monsters try to navigate that classic road course.  We'll take plenty of pictures.


  3.  :sarcastic:   Cuz ya gotta have fun with people once in awhile:
    BMS vs DCS will chaffer facebook lols.PNG

    1. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      LEL... I still find DCS quite shitty :mellow:

  4. Road America IMSA Super Car Championship races


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= Inch

      =VG= Inch

      Hardest track (possibly), when reaching turn 12 and 13 ( Known as Canada Corner ), but here you are. :)

      It always been amazing to see some GT1, GT3 or even with Le Mans Prototypes ( LMP ) racing together like this. Awesome-! :biggrin:

    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Many people wonder what happened to turn 4.  The insiders will tell you the truth: it went into the FBI witness protection program in the 1980's after it testified to terrible things.  But it can be found if you know where to look, these days it lives over by turn 12 and it's changed it's name to 11a.

      ^In the picture above, later that day, there was a terrible wreck before Kettle Bottoms, the first car hit the wall and tumbled about six times, but then another one slid into him on the outside skirt and it exploded in a ball of fire.  Both drivers walked away.


    4. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      That touch in the corner... RIP Aston Martin Vantage GT4 :P...

  5. Slowly helping my Pop get his PC gaming setup(s) working, and I find out new things everyday.

    Today I learned why all my attempts to get online (ARK, PR, etc.) fail from this house:  Pop has DSL... 1Mb/s Up...16Mb/s Down ugh!!!  Like stepping back in time!  

    Soooooo..... I would be rather grateful if someone in ARK already in the VG Tribe could pop by my castle and fill up the feeding trough with raw meat and a few berries in a week or so.

    They can all last about 3 weeks with server settings as is, and I'll be back home in September, but at least once would do them well so I don't lose any of my breeders, etc.

    No biggie if I lose everything, tho - can always get new animals,  I have a few eggs in the fridge that I can hatch to start up again, slowly, but.... I have already lost the otters and a few dimorphodons, tribe log showed the loss.


  6. So, I was reading some forum on a totally different topic, one guy suggested this CompactGUI as a tool for the Windows 10 "Compact" function.  It seems this is no new feature, but the version in Win10 is much more powerful and more optimized.

    TLDNR; You can take a program, for example my ARK installation folder (>100GB) and compress the contents with little to no performance loss when running the application.  Doesn't turn it into a ZIP or RAR achive, either - we'd not notice the change as users.  It is a disk space saver, and it's very good at it.  According to the reports, my ARK could potentially turn into a ~50GB folder instead of twice that!!
    Check it out, I'm gonna:

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      ***Requires Windows 10 (in case I wasn't clear) 

    2. WCCBadploy


      Thanks for the info and update. Well worth looking into.

    3. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      That sounds good ! I ll check it in the near future.

  7. We'll always remember you fondly, brother.  RIP

  8. Just got hit with a ton of heavy wet snow.  While it's melting quickly, some cool shapes are forming:


    1. =VG= Fastjack

      =VG= Fastjack

      Next week a coldwave will hit germany. Night - 10 till -15 degree and at day -5. Tbh. I hate cold weather.

    2. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Well not to much snow in my zone... And even if it s snowing, after 10 min it will start to rain :mellow:. Nice pic btw.

  9. I am unable to properly function, so I'm copying a note I sent to a few of my oldest friends here at VG:
    I can't login, I can't think. I can't even process life right now.  I've been in a stunned shock since Sunday (Dec 31st) evening.  In moments of clarity, I am reaching out to those I can think of - I consider many of you real friends, and I just want you all to know what has happened and why I'll be absent.

    On New Years Eve morning, my brother took his life.  We were extremely close our entire lives almost like twins, but he had cut off contact with us all and moved far away for over a year.  He had been struggling with mental health issues including audible hallucinations (hearing voices) that berated him and tortured him "verbally", as well as addiction problems, and we all have to just accept that he felt there was no other way to stop it all and escape.  He was a talented musician and a knowledgeable composer.  If any of you have watched some of my old gaming videos on YouTube, you've heard my brother's music in the background.

    He will be cremated and released to us around the 12th, and I will be spreading his ashes at Wahclella Falls near or around then, presuming it is accessible this time of year, and we will hold a private Celebration of Life rememberance in our home somewhere around the 17th.

    I may not come around for the next couple weeks, or until these matters have concluded, as I do not feel sociable at this time.  Certain individuals can reach me when I am offline if there is a technical emergency, so contact =VG= m823us if there is a matter that requires my attention, and I will resolve it if/when I am able, and if not, it will go on the top of the "to do" list for when I am feeling better.  I've already noted that I will be helping Oniblood work with the ARK Survival server as he expressed interest in that, and those who knew I was developing weekly PR event "team workshops" with custom maps should know I will continue with that project before too long.

    I feel like I'm walking around in a daze, like a bad dream, and my time is filled with moments of painfully deafening silence and extreme grief, and the rest of it spent with family and friends, as people I've not talked to in years come over to express condolences.  Hearing others talk about this all sounds like I'm listening to a commentary of my own life and it is too surreal to tolerate, so much so that my family now hushes up if I'm walking by when re-telling someone who has not yet heard, out of respect for my feelings.

    I will eventually return because hanging out with friends online will help me to move forward and be strong, but I am having a hard time using the phone at this time and it's most comfortable for me to text for now - messages through this website or facebook are just fine if friends need to contact me.

    Thank you all for understanding, and for being my friend.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SiXie
    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Thank you all for the kind words

    4. =VG= BrakeGamer

      =VG= BrakeGamer

      My condolences for Your and Your family's loss Sem. Stay strong as you always are no matter how hard it may be...

  10. Fun missions on the BMS Server today!  Jeffu and I went after the 1st Tank Battalion(s) and got jumped by a MiG, so after that mission, we found the airbase he took off from which had been repaired.  We fragged an OCA Strike to take out the runways with BLU-107B anti-runway penetrating bombs with drag chutes.  Coming in just off the deck in manual bombing mode, we got jumped by a pack of MiG's and had to send them to hell before proceeding to bomb their home airbase - good times!  Merry Holidays!

  11. PROMOTED!!  :tatice_03:

    (I always think of the Battlefield Friends show whenever that happens here or in a game!!)
    I wonder if I get a company car now?  Or at least the keys to the company jet, I mean, right? haha!


  12. Had fun, but glad to be home :hi:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more



      WOW you made it nice, i'm jealous i will send my dolphins, to ya there a good ride and dont bite.........hahah dont fall of the edge hahah  


    3. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Muff diver from the future STRONTIUM_DOG .. perfect



      HAHAHH i'm chased, liking fish and holding your breath helps hahah xx 

  13. :bad::lazy:

    1. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      OMG ... Sem yer sick dude .. take the week off

    2. =VG= Sausag3

      =VG= Sausag3

      Tea and crumpets should do the trick, 

      If that doesn’t work I’ll give you my last epipen, it better be worth it!


      Get well soon lad

  14. Finally located a picture of my Henry Repeater .45 Long Colt on my Imgur. (mags are from my Glock 17) This pic is from 3 years ago when I went up to the mountains for target shooting:

    1. Jersans
    2. Jersans


      Man I'd love to shoot that one day. 


  15. So I get to go back into Physical Therapy for my left arm.  PT is hell, better described as Pain & Torture - but if I don't do it, I'll lose the ability to use my left arm.  Basically, I can't bend it from the elbow because something going to my shoulder is too short and my elbow feels like it's burst into flames while being frozen with ice during an electrocution.  Yea, it sucks.

    I've defiantly been playing Falcon BMS a few times in the past week or two, and after an afternoon or evening session of several flights, I become unable to use my left arm at all and that hot/cold/shock sensation persists for hours, at a lower level than when I yank it, but still nagging at me.  I have to admit my limitations some times, and though I love my BMS, I have to be honest and report that I'm not the most consistent leader for that server.  I wish I could consistently play each day, and help grow our BMS crowd, but some days I can only sit and rest and watch crap on YouTube or play something that uses Voice Controls or my Xbone controller to where I can casually play while half lying down.

    People must wonder where I "go" when I disappear for days on end, and I just want to say I am here, just not able to do everything I want when I want to.  I'm glad my friends here understand and are patient with me when I need to take frequent breaks.  Thanks guys, see you when I can!

    1. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Hang in there, you can do it !! Get well and then play, don t force it, unless necessary ! I know it must be painful for you, but all you can do right now is just relaxxxxx.... :smoke:.. All the best Blizz..:hi:

    2. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Old age Sem .. join the club

    3. WCCBadploy


      Positive mental attitude, Matey.

      Remain in that lane and all will be well.

      All the Best.

  16. I am going out of my mind with my current grow!! I like to think I run a tight, clean ship with proper air flow and humidity control, but seeing the dreaded Powdery Mildew on my leaves is just killing me!! I've upped the temps and lowered the humidity, and culled every plant that showed signs, but still I see it appearing on leaves.  Makes me want to burn the whole building down and start from scratch!  So impossible to deal with, and in later stages it is just unfeasible to treat.  I don't have the space for a Mother or to house a cloning machine, so I'm stuck with what the shops will sell, and I swear they just don't care about the quality of what comes in - it's all about quantity.  I thought I'd be good with Mike's Killer Clones way the hell out West, but they're just as janky as any place I've seen that sells clones.  I'm up shit creek without a paddle here, and I don't have the time to devote to daily PM treatment or removal - and I've seen how bad it can get in late stages like someone dusted the plants with a flour sifter.  UGH!!  Pro tips are welcome, but as they're supposed to be transplanted for flower cycle this week, I'm fairly certain I'm screwed and have lost over a month if I decide to Kill 'em All, sterilize, and start from scratch.

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      So... I just killed 4 of the plants and removed them from the room.  The other 4 never showed signs of powdery mildew.  And the icing on the cake:  as I was doing this, I noticed a number of tiny flies fluttering around = I have fungus gnats!  Never a dull moment, I suppose!!  At least fungus gnats are easy to deal with, and I'll have them eradicated in short order.  I only wish powdery mildew was as easy to deal with, then I would not have had to sacrifice half my crop.  *sigh*

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Well, luckily I don't need to source any raw milk anytime soon.  The offending plants have been culled, and I've seen no signs on the remaining plants.  They are a different breed with different dominant genetics, and likely mold resistant.  I will save your method for future issues, in case it pops up or I get more plants that have the issue.  I very much prefer organic treatments in everything, and I've even purchased live predator insects from Amazon in the past.  Very effective.  Thanks man!

  17. So.... this email was sent by Fu-Fighters?
    fu fighters.PNG

  18. So, it's been a crappy week for me.  Busy with projects at home, and on Monday, I threw out my right shoulder (I'm right handed) and barely finished my work tasks.  On top of that, I just launched a new server for my favorite game, Falcon BMS, and I've been unable to fly in it due to the whole "so much pain I want to vomit" issue.  Been so bored between the hot tub, ice packs, and frequent naps that I made a voice control setup for Steel Ocean so I can play a game using my voice (and a dual-axis controller in my left hand for aim/look).  Sleep schedule off, I tested it successfully last night around 2am, and it works.

    I have to take frequent breaks, but I'll be around here and there to game with you guys.  :hi:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      I wish you a speedy recovery:hi: !!



      You get up you fight you dont stop, you fight one arm it's good for weak arm never used,, you never stop, you get up you fight. LOL  HOT tub not good to play in jellyfish always find you lol 

    4. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      I played a little Elite Dangerous last night and the night before.  Trying to get back into the swing, build my neck strength back up.  Will probably fly a little in BMS today.

      Yesterday, I got a shiatsu neck massager that actually works.  I've spent several sessions with it, and I feel like I can move my neck again.  Best part, it was only $20!


  19. Windows 10 is a marketing scheme!  DirectX 12 could have been a module for the Windows 7 operating system - easily.  The company is in the business of selling operating systems, and not content to build on past successes they will constantly redesign what does not need to be redesigned.  What is worse is that it is ON PURPOSE!  Microsoft purposefully went backwards with certain functions to make sure they do not function as well as in Windows 7, for which support & updates will soon be discontinued, so that people will buy Windows 11 one day and see it as an improvement over Windows 10.  They are doing this to ensure sales when in the past their customers would not upgrade to the latest product due to familiarity or proven functionality.

    We had mice - so someone built a mouse trap and sold it to us.  It worked and everyone bought them all up.  But then Mr. Mousetrap wanted more money so they made a new one that doesn't work as well, but they get to sell it to us once again.  We don't buy it cuz it's crap, so they stop selling the first mouse trap to force one product.  Now we're stuck with a crap mouse trap and a company that won't sell us the good one anymore.  All those people defending them saying "it's better than nothing!" or "remember when we had mice everywhere?" can suck a spotted dick.
    Give me back my good mouse traps!

    Fuck You Microsoft! :Mauridia_01:

    1. WCCBadploy


      Interesting Analysis. Don't let it phase you though..

    2. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Luv it ... Sem .. so very true



      Yer mannnn it's all a scam Bill and Steve jobs ,{R In hell lolz}  there both destroying all the hard work the IEEE and W3C have put in to stabilizing  the IT world, thesis anti thesis. A or B and ya gotta pay ,and keep paying, and working out complex shit so you feel you not being ripped lolzzzz im still running XP lolzzzzz works fine like a dream there not even making malware for it now hahah  : )  the only solution is to go full, open source  LINUX  and get a bumper sticker that says 


      Fuck You Appel o Soft! i am not a number i am a man with a D%&+K and stay away from my kids creeps. : [@] 


      As a connoisseur of tiny switches, i can say.  i feeel your pain, hug. now dismantle there juke box OS hahahha and rebirth it as your own. xx 



  20. oooh... just hit 1000 content count!!


    1. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Colonel lvl 1.000, you unlock bipod for jet :ignat_02:

    2. =VG= kiwirambob
    3. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      I luv Battlefield friends ..

  21. Took some pictures of a tiny tree frog in our back yard - could fit on a US nickel!
    aaa imgur.PNG

  22. I've been absent for a few days, not sure about the next few as well... Got a family member in the hospital, my elderly cousin John - the guy I was on my last vacation with, and was planning to go camping with in August for two straight weeks.  He got rushed from Washington a Complex Medical Care Medical Complex here in Portland for emergency G.I. surgery.  I'm finally picking him up from the hospital this afternoon.  I'll be keeping an eye on things, some times all I have is time, but I can't get into a game because I don't know when I have to "jump and run".  Been watching some YouTube and reading up on SSD's to be sure my brand isn't the sort that catches fire like apparently many do, though I'm still having a hard time locating a number of genuine reports of SSD's used for PC gaming catching fire or emitting smoke.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= SemlerPDX
    3. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Hoping he is ok .. replan your camping trip Aaron

    4. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      Sorry to hear bro hope everything goes ok. 

  23. I've been very busy getting things running again - it's up to some in-game admins to finalize their setup now.  If anyone who had some access doesn't have it, let me know and I'll set you up again.

    Gonna play on the new VG ARK: Survival Evolved server again today - only Arma 3 and GTA V take more advantage of my GTX 970.  Amazing detail and gorgeous models for a team(tribe) based survival/building game.  Then again, the game sucks for a few reasons, one being the default game system values like Meat Spoil Time (one piece of food spoiling at default in less than 20 minutes real time) or even the time it takes to tame a Dino  (over 4 hours for a mid-level T-Rex, few can game in one session that long!).

    I'm testing out custom values for most everything, and it seems good so far - only need to eat 3 times a day unless very active, and meat spoils in 2 hours instead of 20 minutes, even slower in a refrigerator or feeding trough.  If I can get it setup well, I may keep this server up 24/7 and open it up to Whitelist requests.  Anyone with ARK is of course welcome to test with me - message me for the password.


    1. =VG= SavageCDN

      =VG= SavageCDN

      Thanks to everyone who helped get the server back online!!



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