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=VG= Melon Muncher

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= Melon Muncher

  1. Here's some updates on things I've been working on. Beirut is coming plus some other things Nothing shown is guaranteed though
  2. So making a map with bots has a size limit to the amount of ground the AI can cover before the game crashes. the size varies map to map with things like whether it is a forest, urban or desert map. making bots move on water counts for nothing because there's nothing for them to avoid. As a general rule of thumb, a 1km can have bots on 100% of it, 2km is 40-60% and a 4km is 15-20%. This is why maps have a lot of areas that you don't play coop on especially 4km maps like shijia, Vadso or saaremaa always focus on the same areas.
  3. 1.6.3 is out, fixes more coop issues No more bot air assets usable Few updated maps and some other stuff
  4. Poll time, Choose the map that you enjoy but hate the coop Example, you love Operation Marlin as a map but you hate playing coop because it's pretty boring for most of the game. Not, You hate tad sae because it's dark. There's too many trees on Ia Drang etc. I've made the poll multiple choice, but try and limit it to a few choices to make it obvious which map is shit. If you aren't even sure what maps are what gallery is here https://www.realitymod.com/mapgallery/#!/ Maps that aren't included are maps that either A ) I can't do anything more than what is already there. (Tad Sae, Burning Sands, Muttrah etc) B ) I don't have the motivation to fix (Vietnam, Saarema etc) The poll is not for things like swap APC for a tank, this is more for a complete scrapping and start over. If you have suggestions like an asset swap, post it in this thread cause I'll consider everything, but the poll is not for that. Assume they are all the STD Layers
  5. Can we take it out of the rotation now?
  6. If you make me an Aibehaviours I'll add it to the server and we can see if there's any noticeable changes.
  7. It's not transport, rather CAS/Logistic multirole. That said, I would have no problem it joining a trans squad on kokan to save squads
  8. I've got it great game. Probably the most community minded devs of any game I've played. They put a new update every Saturday and most add something new or a community request as well as bug fixes between.
  9. Yo man, go to documents/projectreality/profiles/0001 open video.con in notepad and post here. Then do the same with profiles/default video.com Cheers
  10. So gonna close this issue. It's been found to be a BF2 engine issue. Sadly there's nothing that can be done against it. If you don't believe me you can find a BF2 copy and install a 64 player mod and create local servers. The issue will occur after a few map changes. I'll look into some changes to try and make it occur less frequently. (removing osprey on 2km maps, jets on bamyam and silent eagle removal/base swapping etc) As for what happens when someone deliberately crashes the server. Make a note of the map/player and we can check the logs and ban. Accidents will happen, but with a bit of work we can try and limit the issue. Big thanks to everyone for the help. Bad outcome though
  11. Thanks for doing the testing guys. Hopefully we can find a pattern or something. If you do come across a map that doesn't crash. test it after loading another map. like if Bijar din't crash go Bijar>Khamisiyah>Bijar If we can get a map that doesn't crash we can assume it is a map related crash, otherwise it's probably python, BF2, whatever else.
  12. Anyone else playing the open beta this weekend? I played the closed beta a few weeks ago and had a blast, looking for some people to squad with. Add me on that shit Uplay; Melonmuncho or TS if I'm in there
  13. I never tested deployment. Back when I was really trying to find the cause I found most of the time It's not map specific it's just random Here's a bit of the logging I did when testing. Clean server means I reset it fully. the only consistent thing was that the first map was less likely to crash after a hard reset. Khamisyah first map, clean server- No crash Khamisiyah after crash on khamisiyah - Crash Muttrah after Khamisiyah (clean) - Crash Muttrah first map, clean server - No crash Muttrah after crash on muttrah - crash Jabal after muttrah (clean) - no crash Marlin after jabal after muttrah (clean) - no crash Barracuda after Marlin after jabal after muttrah (clean) - crash Jabal clean server - no crash Jabal std after jabal alt (clean) - no crash Barracuda after jabal std after jabal alt (clean) - no crash Silent eagle after Barracuda after jabal std after jabal alt (clean) - no crash Silent Eagle, clean server - no crash, then crash 2 times Vadso after silent - Crash I thought about making a combat area that insta kills when you fly too close to the south border but it's not possible to do serverside.
  14. I'm sorry guys I've got a lot going on in the next few weeks and it doesn't look like it will happen. I'll have free time at the end of September and I'll run the next two then.
  15. Great turnout guys had a blast! Thanks for putting up with the minor hiccup on Beirut. I'll make the next one harder. Yeah this sounds good
  16. Download is up; https://www.dropbox.com/s/16ldkdm2cv6px60/event10.8.rar?dl=0 Server password for the event is "VG" and it's running asad on repeat so you can test if your files work. extract the files to C;/Program Files (x86)/ Project Reality/Project Reality BF2/Mods/PR/Levels If you're unsure get on TS3 and find me before the event. I'm going to run a test session tomorrow, 8pm GMT all are welcome to join
  17. Update: Bamyan is not playing nice, I've swapped it with ramiel. Read the OP for the new mission brief.
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