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Member - Jr. Officer
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Everything posted by Jersans

  1. On the upside. IF the water stays you can grow olive-trees there.... I like olives.
  2. Climate, weather. It's complicated shit.
  3. Double. I think that's also a mental state as into how you want to play. Me. But I'm kinda crazy, I like to take a team and do everything possible to win but also make it feel like it's unexpected I hit the flags work with what I got and absolutely don't want to know each bot spawn point or do a clean flow. I hate those guys on Muttrah that steal a TOW just to get some kills from the docks. I like taking risks and I like it when it gets hard and we have to all work together to solve - probably an easy trick - and then feel we won. It's a game right? The main point is making it fun. To me fun doesn't mean walking around knowing what will happen at each point. Does any of this make sense?
  4. So... I think the changes are working well. I remember tanks getting wrecked and using AA more effectively. From my simpleton point of view it's an improvement. Does anyone else have comments?
  5. So as someone who doesn't understand any of these technical details may I ask when exactly the changes will take effect? Now or tomorrow? Either way it sounds pretty darn interesting to me.
  6. I'm just going to be a grunt and follow orders. This all seems pretty complicated. Very awesome and cool but darn complicated. I will be available to lead squads and or be that annoying 2IC that questions every order and tries to better our overall performance. So effectively what I always endeavor to do. Go point. Hold the line. And push push push to win the game.
  7. I am loving this post! But isn’t it two decades?
  8. Yeah that is shocking. I still don’t understand how that is possible. I’m not complaining. Thank you awesome people in TRANS and CAS. We love you.
  9. Please... Getting shot in the face and being able to fully function 10 seconds later must be the one 'bug' we can argue about.
  10. I don’t mean to be rude but all of our admins are required to be on TeamSpeak when they are online and ‘available’. If you have problems on our servers that’s the best way to speak to us. This website is more back-office stuff. Talk about things or something. Not to vent an immediate problem. So please. If the maps are wrong or if you have some assholes on the server you really should download and install TeamSpeak and talk to us immediately. We will always try to resolve it ASAP! I hope that makes sense.
  11. *bump* I guess there are too few people who want to make this event happen. Fair enough. But don't say I didn't try.
  12. You can do that? This is awesome!!! The Kiwi is My favorite. Damn those birds are cute.
  13. Well I thought we had two maps ready to go for testing so I'd say let's use those. Why not? It will be fun!
  14. Now I know I am not able to host or do such a thing but I have heard quite a few voices saying we'd love to do that. So main questions are: 1.) How many will sign up for this alternative play-game? 2.) Are we (Fastjack) ready for it? (PS it doesn't have to be perfect, but we can try) *just throwing it in there*
  15. Okay. To be fair. You don't mess with those guys. They're hard-core. Ever wondered why the Queen doesn't get killed?
  16. Okay one last thing... SO Basically the Dutch fucked the English (fake Germans), Scots and Irish over for years. we were undeniably so very fucking good at doing well Viking stuff. Fuck we learned it from the fucking --- wait wait wait for it --- yep fucking Vikings. You'll never guess it. This bitter low-lands bastards we're actually REAL fucking bastards. And I am proud to say I am Dutch. I am. But it's over now. The wars are gone and we're all good friends now. Aren't we. Oh... Fuck #Brexit. Here we go again. PS David Coverdale is English. Mildly... PS 2 so far my contribution to Nationalism, HOUZEE!!!
  17. Also little known fact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands_Marine_Corps Oh yeah DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE US. We are bad-ass by birth. But still gradzzzz to the English, they won at the end.
  18. Nuff said. Not even the Scots, Irish, Spanish, Russians, Germans. Just only the DUTCH. Bow in honor. http://badassoftheweek.com/index.cgi?id=579429818534
  19. For the poor bastards that have to wash dead bodies 3 times per day? I say NAY sir. Let them dabble in them bear (BEAR) hats. Also - there are no bears in England. Haha.
  20. BAREskins? I thought those ridiculous hats were made of bears.
  21. Doesn't mectus have an INF squad? I mean we could join him right?
  22. I would definitely recommend creating a map rotation with newer/hardly played maps. There are lots of easily playable maps that we never/rarely play due to the server crashing. It’s worth a thought methinks.
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