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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. but unfortunately you can only see this thread if you are logged in. maybe it makes sense to move it to another place ...
  2. for another 69.99 $(!) wen can delete the "the" in the headline.... ;p
  3. i got the feeling that this is better after a server restart but then it comes back after a few rounds...
  4. sorry for the ban. but you didn't react in the game and I looked here where you are only listed as a page member and not as a VG member. therefore it looked to me as if you just used our clan tag without any permission. So nothing personal...Welcome back. ^^
  5. should we both ban again? I think that's right with slacke. with sugar we should at least not forget the unban request...
  6. jap, its under custom and if its empty you have to deselect the filter...
  7. maybe you have some trash in your profiles and/or writeprotected files... you can just delete all profiles and try it...but you will lose your settings with this.
  8. or maybe you have it already and just have to log in?^^
  9. deployment is for little girls! COOP! ;p maybe I would join spontaneously. I have a lot to do at the moment and unfortunately cannot call a fixed time ...
  10. since the past week following the most recent 3 patch updates, the file which contains that setting has not been changed by an update, and it does not appear to be any different than it was before based on the last modified date of the file. I noted this on another matter today when I added links for the prdemo files tracker files for the "replay" button in PRSPY. I'm not sure, but I think @=VG= m823usraised the bots dificulty about 2 weeks ago. I don't know if it was put back. but i have had the same experience that bots are very accurate and that in places you hardly have a chance. in general, i also have the feeling that there are fewer bots on almost all maps or they chill on the last flags and you only have contact with the enemy towards the end. So generally less fighting but harder maps.
  11. what is this "social" that everyone is talking about? ^^ I see it similarly. i have no problem with voice chats but i don't even do video chats for work. or I just fade in a camgirl and tell you thats me...;p skype, ts and discord are enough for me.
  12. I could see that in mumble too. I noticed a little thing, no idea if this is important: if you are not in a squad, mumble sorted you above the people who are in a squad. when golden entered the chopper, he was among the squads at mumble. I don't think this helps, but you could see if your sound card runs in "exclusive mode". The individual sound files (or gamesound/mumble sound) may be in different types (and windows cannot properly share the audio device because a different codec is used.) once had similar problems in reaper when I used wav files and flac at the same time. just detick the option at the red marker. ... sorry its in german but i have no english win here atm...
  13. We played together on that Friday before he died... that's why the shock was probably twice as bad as it would have been... I didn't know him well, but everything worked as usual and we had fun. we did a lot of nonsense on muttrah and three or four days later the message from hater came and i was completly confused. yes, that was really nice. Nobody was bothered that muttrah was running all the time and sometimes came a few questions about who it was. When you explained that this is in honor for a player who died, they were positively amazed that we were doing this. I probably played 10-15 rounds of muttrah and it didn't get boring for a second. on the contrary. from my point of view, this could have gone on for another day. !mvote mutt mutt mutt, hope you enjoy this, crumpetman! and thanks to everyone who was part of it.
  14. wait...im non-social not anti...^^ cant compute this new, trendy stuff...;p
  15. I would, but unfortunately i'm completely non-social^^... I only have a steam acc that I use for squad.
  16. it's been another year... how about 24h muttrah again in thoughts/memory of H8CrazyVet67?
  17. restarted. should be back in the list in some minutes...if not try it via ip.
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