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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Hi @=VG= BLuDKLoT, I'm pretty sure old profiles in BMS won't work with this update, you've got to start from scratch, cant remember when that happened but I had a similar problem when my keyfile became virtually useless. You could try the default set up for the X52 Pro stick, there's one in the Docs folder: What I did in the end was install the Alternative Launcher found here: https://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/showthread.php?31774-Falcon-BMS-Alternative-Launcher-(Easy-Setup-Keep-Joystick-Assignments)&highlight=alternative+launcher I swear by that program for changing or setting my Warthog configuration, its the easiest way to get going again IMO. Let me know when you're available and I'll go through it with you on Discord or TS if you want.
  2. This thread is to gauge the interest in creating a Falcon 4.0 BMS event on the VG server. It will be open to anyone but highly recommended that you know how to fly the F-16, this is not an event where you will get instructions on how to ramp start a jet or the basics of navigating to the target area. If you are a complete novice to this flight-sim it might be a good idea to practice the basics: take off, follow basic navigation, and land. Ok so I'm putting this invitation out there for those players who already think they know a thing or two about flying jets, eg. DCS, War Thunder, PR, Falcon 4.0 Allied Force, BMS, whatever. Falcon 4.0 the original was launched in 1988 so its a pretty old game but still available from Steam for A$9.95, you'll need to install that base game first and then install the mods from the Benchmark Sims site, the system requirements are here : https://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/content.php?132 The latest version of Falcon 4.0 BMS 5.35.2 - which is FREE - can be found here: https://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/showthread.php?42376-Falcon-BMS-4-35-U2-Incremental-Installer Please indicate via the poll if you are interested and what your skill level is. Cheers =VG= Kavelenko
  3. We got hammered rofl! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1152619718
  4. Is Black Gold STD on the bad maplist? It crashed the server once when I was on, didn't record the date/time sorry.
  5. We able to login before the event starts so we make sure our comms & mods are working correctly?
  6. Pretty sure its a message to Melon, I translated it and it reads "PR sucks!". But then I saw this. rofl.
  7. Grozny STD: Able to fire weapons and drive BMP-3 without crewman kits.
  8. Rambolenko left you the last AO to complete the campaign. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1089202565
  9. Hey @PITN, @=VG= ciro et al, I had an question from a random player on the Mike Force Server who was having problems logging into the game. He said he updated CBA mod and it keeps kicking him out. I noticed the mod list has changed slightly, is there anyone who can check what's going on there? I had a similar fault but I managed to get back in the server ok, cant remember what the hell I did to fix it but I notice TFAR is not working the way it used to. cheers, Kav
  10. Thanks Sausag3 and everyone who helped to get this event done, I had a lot fun doing it, stream available here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1082834107 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1083064563
  11. Thanks for that System, we were trying to guess the commands yesterday, that explains it cheers.
  12. I've heard several people mention "Gun Game" is this a thing now and how do we set it?
  13. Second Combat Medic sir! I need bodies to practice on.
  14. You can use razor wire to defend a flag you have captured but you cannot use razor wire to block off main roads from the enemy main for example. Blowing up the bridge on Khamisiyah is an example of destroying re-inforcement routes, not allowed to do it. Admins are all briefed on what these rules mean, so ask them if you are confused. Its also considered Base rape to kill armor beyond the current cappable flag but difficult to enforce on a map like Bamyan where the flags are close together. This subject has been flogged to death in previous threads.
  15. In the training we were using Channel: 1 Freq: 31 and the additional channel was A2 30 but in the event it will depend what squad you're in.
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