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Missing Co-op maps


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Hi guys,

I've been playing on Veteran's Gaming for a couple of months now, due to the fact that your co-op servers are unrivaled in popularity and quality.

When I decided that I was bored with Coop (just grew out of it), I decided to start playing deployment.

Well, now I'm back, but I've noticed a change in the server map rotation.

One of my favorite aspects of the server was that it had custom assets, and a working version of Kashan Desert, which was really cool.

Now, whenever an admin tries to que up Kashan, it doesn't work. Even on the mapvote list, Kashan desert isn't present.

So overall, my question is: What happened to Kashan Desert Coop, and modded maps (like Karbala with the unclaimable Blackhawk)?

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Kashan was remade a few months ago, with the remade the coop nav mesh was gone, and it's hard to set it now, since we still got the old navmesh. So what that means is we need to look trough a BIG list of all maps in the game to find kashan, problem is some pepole don't know how to do it or are just lazy. About the Blackhawk I have no idea about that one tbh

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Coders like Fastjack or Melon need to spend hundreds of hours coding the bots and updating the navmesh (whatever that exactly is) -- it's what Melon did to most all of the current maps people play on when PR 1.0 came out - it was going to launch without a COOP mode, so Melon got busy --- like biz---ay.  Only a few people with the knowledge and some no longer have the patience or desire, AFAIK.

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No, it depends on if someone in the DevTeam navmeshed the map.

Navmeshing is a process, where the playable area get a green shiny (ingame invisible but you can turn it on) web, made of triangles.

Objects like houses, fences, trees, rocks, walls and more... (all object where you can collide with) causing holes in the navmesh (boundingboxes of the object). 

That's the reason, why bots (in normal case) dont walk versus walls, carwrecks and more. Bots can only walk/drive on navmeshed areas.

It existing 2 different type of navmeshs. Infantry- and Vehicle Navmesh. Infantry can walk on the InfantryNavmesh and vehicles drive can only on the VehicleNavmesh but there must also a InfantryNavmesh.

InfantryNavmeshing creates navmesh in enterable buildings like bunkers, t-shape buildings ... mainly interiors.

VehicleNavmeshing creates a navmesh only in open areas.

PIC 1 and 2 are pics of the InfantryNavmesh (2nd toggled objects)

PIC 3 and 4 are pics of the VehicleNavmesh (4th toggled objects)






Kashan got an terrain update and a bigger village. When you use the old navmesh. Its possible that the vehicle driving against the new village objects. The terrain update could caused, that the navmesh isn't anymore at the right place (to high, to deep etc)

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Coders like Fastjack or Melon need to spend hundreds of hours coding the bots and updating the navmesh 


When the insurgency gamemode get one day tested and is successfully, i'll try a class specifiec bot behaviour.

I would also make functional suicidecars_bf2 or a working coop gary.


@Melon: you ever looked into the gary ai.?

ObjectTemplate.aiTemplate USAIR_F15Bombs

rem * Bombs *
weaponTemplate.create USAIR_F15Bombs
weaponTemplate.indirect 1
weaponTemplate.minRange 30.0
weaponTemplate.maxRange 500.0
weaponTemplate.setStrength Infantry    8
weaponTemplate.setStrength LightArmour 31
weaponTemplate.setStrength HeavyArmour 25
weaponTemplate.setStrength NavalArmour 3
weaponTemplate.setStrength Helicopter  1
weaponTemplate.setStrength Airplane    1
weaponTemplate.allowedDeviation 15.0

I think its not good to share an ai.template of a F15 Bombweapon with ground suicide vehicles.

The gary need not this min. and max. Ranges. It should be close or point blank. Also the enabled weaponTemplate.indirect 1. 

The gary need his own ai.template. If that's not work, i re tweak the whole weaponlauncher and i switch from dropping invisible bombs to firing invisible tankshell in front into the ground at range zero. Big blastdamage, same damage values/materials as the bomb and mount this into the insurgency maps.

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it's not too hard to get the old maps to run actually. Sure, they can be buggy as hell if you dig too deep ingame, but all in all it's playable. The biggest problem is to get the maps. The mappack was released 3-4 years ago and it's next to impossible to find it now as it has long been removed from official sources.

If anyone has any of the old maps, please send them over so I can convert them for  the latest PR . 


:crazy: Special cookie to whoever sends me Street 2 :crazy:



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I found these on my dropbpox Karbalb is the same as VG_Karbala just diffent folder names, we needed to name it karbalb bcus it's the one with the MV22 with the gunner seat and couldn't have two folders named the same thing in the PR map folder


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I think we dont use karbalb anymore. its out of time. Clive Osprey have a better use in other maps that wasn't in the mod that days. I suggest let TED(F) make the rework first they are buggy. Some maps will miss some vehicles because the vehicle names are changed in later versions of PR.


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