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Multiple teamkills: Lt Spears

=VG= Wooz2770

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Multiple teamkills on spawn, also shooting down friendly helos with an A-10. Not sure if it's our Lt Spears, who plays frequently and just went insane, or some asshole impersonator.

Server: Insurgency SOAR
Name: Lt Spears
BattlEye GUID: 494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0
Time: 5 minutes before this post, maybe earlier. 21:29 UTC+6
Witnesses: TankBusta, Jappie2 - those guys for sure.
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Not sure about the time - I joined, stayed on the server for about 2 minutes - and then A-10 shot our helo. Then, after the respawn, A-10 driven by a guy named Lt Spears dropped a bomb on spawn. Written down the guid, went straight to the forums.

Was actually streaming at the moment, can highlight it if needed. Although I'm sure logs show enough.
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Looks like it was an impersonator:

15:15:50 Player Venis connected (id=120367878).
17:21:30 BattlEye Server: Player #3 Venis ( connected
17:21:30 BattlEye Server: Player #3 Venis - GUID: 494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0 (unverified)
17:21:30 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0) of player #3 Venis

16:17:50 Player Lt Spears connected (id=120367878).
16:17:50 BattlEye Server: Player #1 Lt Spears ( connected
16:17:51 BattlEye Server: Player #1 Lt Spears - GUID: 494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0 (unverified)
16:17:51 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0) of player #1 Lt Spears

12:52:20 Player Henrik connected (id=120367878).
12:52:20 BattlEye Server: Player #2 Henrik ( connected
12:52:20 BattlEye Server: Player #2 Henrik - GUID: 494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0 (unverified)
12:52:20 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0) of player #2 Henrik

14:05:32 Player Yoloswaggalagger connected (id=120367878).
14:05:32 BattlEye Server: Player #6 Yoloswaggalagger ( connected
14:05:32 BattlEye Server: Player #6 Yoloswaggalagger - GUID: 494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0 (unveri
14:05:32 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0) of player #6 Yoloswaggalag

14:19:31 Player Niggasbelike connected (id=120367878).
14:19:31 BattlEye Server: Player #6 Niggasbelike ( connected
14:19:31 BattlEye Server: Player #6 Niggasbelike - GUID: 494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0 (unverified
14:19:32 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0) of player #6 Niggasbelike

15:06:11 Player Angelo connected (id=120367878).
15:06:11 BattlEye Server: Player #2 Angelo ( connected
15:06:11 BattlEye Server: Player #2 Angelo - GUID: 494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0 (unverified)
15:06:11 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (494024e73a9aa9a49f2056427aec3cf0) of player #2 Angelo

Fucker has been dealt the BANHAMMER
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Sry. I just had to laugh quick - of course tk is not funny! I just would like to say that I have nothing in common with this asshat-teamkiller called "Spears". Unfortunately, my pseudonym is very popular. Apparently the name is used by evil people.

Castor has recognized it right. "Speirs" is written with a "ei" (if it is the American hero from the 2nd worldwar). Otherwise we might think that "Britney" has changed the industry. A very disconcerting thought lol.

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